Security tokens

Ensure safety of your data with security tokens

Project-level API tokens

Project-level tokens allow read-only access to variables associated with a particular project.

In order to generate a project-level security token navigate to Home -> Project -> Tokens and then provide a title for your new token:

Token configuration for a tawbar project

The most common use case for project-level tokens is using them in 3rd-party services (ex: Continuos Delivery tools).

The token value can be seen only upon token generation, however your team members can see titles of project-level security tokens and remove them

User-level access tokens

User-level access tokens provide with read-only access to variables of all the projects you have access to.

User-level security tokens should only be used in local development, thus can only be generated via tawbar CLI. However, you can remove your user-level tokens in your user settings .